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Plastic cards are a very convenient and comfortable means of payment as it does not involve actual handling of paper money.  ROSENERGOBANK is ready to work out and implement an effective client card service system.

Card payment system implementation will let you:

  • Increase your profits by attracting new cardholding clients;
  • Further improve the image of your company as debit and credit cards are honored practically everywhere nowadays;
  • Decrease cash collection expenditures;
  • Decrease risks related to loss, theft and counterfeit banknotes;
  • Exclude cash transaction-related risks;
  • Optimize book-keeping procedures.

ROSENERGOBANK offers an acquiring program to all its clients. The advantages of acquiring are numerous, including:

  • Debit/credit card service equipment, promotional materials and production supply materials provided for free;
  • As your business grows, your commission fee goes down;
  • Free personnel training;
  • Comprehensive technical and informational support